Monday, March 24, 2025
I've heavily Revised Folk Lore Additional Ancestries for Shadowdark
Monster Monday: Ziggurnaut for Shadowdark
Large engines of destruction used to lead invasions for the Mage-Empress of the Dominion from across the Scarlet Sea. Ancient and powerful ritual magic transfers a decorated officer’s soul into the ziggurnaut and it is considered a great honor to be chosen for this role with the families of those chosen given land and title for their loved one’s dedication.
AC 18, HP 50, ATK 3 slam +6 (1d12) or 1 boulder (far) +6 (2d6), MV double near, S +5, D +0, C +4, I +2, W +1, Ch +1, AL C
Construct. Immune to damage from fire, cold,
electricity, or non-magical sources.
Friday, March 21, 2025
Shadowdark: Turtlekin Ancestry
Turtlekin for Shadowdark
500 years ago, Emperor Titian was assassinated and the lands of Nugyen were carved up by over 30 warlords. This led to the formation of the 17 Great Clans that now dominate the region. Every ‘Kin embarks on a spiritual journey, led by the Kami, to understand their place in Creation.
You know the Common language and either the Merran or Reptilian language.
Kata. You gain the ability to wield one melee weapon of your choice and you deal a critical hit if you roll a natural 19 or 20 on an attack roll with it.
Wednesday, March 19, 2025
Thundercats: Jackalmen for Shadowdark
JACKALMEN for Shadowdark
Mutant scavengers from the planet Plun-Darr.
AC 14, HP 6, ATK 1 club +0 (1d4) or 1 crossbow (far) +1 (1d6), MV near, S +0, D +1, C +2, I +0,
Carrion Tracker. Can track dead flesh unerringly within a mile.
Cowardly. When fleeing they have DIS on their morale check.
You can download a PDF here.
Tuesday, March 18, 2025
Shadowdark: Alternative to Advantage & Disadvantage
We are about to start our second Shadowdark campaign and the players weren't satisfied with the RAW version of Advantage and Disadvantage. They asked about converting it to a straight +5 or -5 but I'm not sure that I feel that fits Shadowdark so we will be testing out +1d6 or -1d6. I'm not trying to model +5/-5 with the 1d6 mechanic I am instead trying to have the new mechanic guarantee a bonus or penalty and remain in the same range as the original rule. I'll keep you posted on how it turns out. Thoughts?
Monday, March 3, 2025
Monster Monday: Manacondas for Shadowdark
The subjects of the Nagarajah of Sssirabad are guarded and weary because many cultures view them with fear and suspicion. Twenty years ago the City-State of Thoda attempted to annex much of Sssirabad’s eastern border along the Rapi River before failing spectacularly. After their defeat Thoda began an intense propaganda campaign with the Nagarajah’s neighbors and trade partners. Recently, the Nagarajah has opened diplomatic talks with Thoda for some much needed economic relief.
Manacondas are lithe and graceful with scales of white, red, brown, yellow, or green in myriad patterns.
Monday, February 17, 2025
A RuneQuest Playtest
Last week, Chaosium revealed they were working on a new RuneQuest Project. The way Mike Mearls explained it is that it was like Pulp Cthulhu in relation to Call of Cthulhu. Soon after they opened up playtesting for those interested in it.
Here is the link for the announcement.
Here is the link to sign up for the playtest.
I'm very excited for this development.
I've heavily Revised Folk Lore Additional Ancestries for Shadowdark
Back in November 2022 I release Folk Lore: Additional Ancestries for Shadowdark and I just uploaded a fairly major revision of it. I think ...